Entries from 2019-01-01 to 1 year

Recharge Your Chinese E-wallets without Seeking the Help of Friends. Check Here!

The most powerful thing in China, I want to express it in one sentence, that is, with a mobile phone you can travel all over China. Because there are all kinds of e-wallets in the phone: QQ wallet, Jingdong wallet, etc. With the developmen…

Vpayfast Global Purchasing & Paying Service is Upgraded Now!

Vpayfast Global Purchasing & Paying Service is Upgraded Now! Click "Paying Service" on Vpayfast and start an amazing experience in China. Characteristics: l Support CNY/USD & Most Global Mainstream Currencies l Accept More Than 60 Local Pa…

KAVIP 新しい顧客排他的な、最初の注文はすぐに¥10を送った!

KAVIP は利益を送った。 5.1 少し長い休暇は終わりました。 5.20 バレンタインデーが終わりました。 5月には他に何か楽しみがありますか。 もちろんします。 KAVIP の福祉は始まったばかりです! 通り過ぎることによってそれを逃してはいけない。 新しい顧客…


中文的神奇总是在不经意间 给你一份惊喜 谐音带来的美妙邂逅 几个数字被重新赋予了新的意义 520---我爱你 话说五月真是一个充满爱的月份 因为只有是五月 May I love you 我可以爱你吗 才可以翻译成 五月我爱你 520,我爱你 是的,你没看错 2.14情人节过了 还…


好消息!KAVIP微信自动收款功能已上线,下单后您仅需拿起手机扫一扫二维码,动动手指,即可完成自动收款啦。 微信二维码自动收款攻略: PC端:1. 订单支付完成后,请至“我的账户”-“我的订单”查看您的订单明细。2. 系统会在3-5分钟内审核您的订单,订单通过审…

遇到翻译难题?LangoGo AI全球通翻译机一秒懂你!

产品简介 LangoGo全球通翻译机,全自动同声传译AI助手。一款外观时尚的翻译机,用更年轻化的设计打破传统翻译机刻板老旧的设计风格。跑道形外屏结合简洁、圆润的UI设计风格,加上轻量的界面动效,传达出“为更友好地交流、更高效地沟通”的设计初衷。 何为全自…

How to Recharge WeChat Wallet?

If you didn't already know, paying by WeChat in China has quickly overtaken cash as the most common method of payment. Also, apps like Alipay and WeChat are transforming China into a cashless society where transactions are commonly carried…

How to Set Up Your Alipay Account?

1. Tap "Me" and find "Bank Cards" 2. Tap "Add Cards" 3. Enter your name and card number Name, passport ID, mobile phone number. The name you add has to be the name that your Chinese bank has on file. Make sure the bank has your current pho…

How to Add an International Credit Card to WeChat Wallet?

Step 1 Select the "Me" icon from the bottom menu in WeChat and then select the "Wallet" option. Step 2 Select "Cards" from the top menu. Step 3 This screen may be different for some of you but essentially you want to select "Add a new card…

How to Top Up Mobile Phone Using WeChat Wallet?

Hey, guys. Do you know how to top up mobile phone by WeChat wallet, let's study: Step1 - Installing WeChat App & Registering an Account Go to App Store or Android store (there are too many Android versions in China and Google Play Store is…

A Brief Introduction of China's Most Popular Online Shopping Platforms.

Recent years, more and more people come to China for travel, work, study or even settlement. Most of them seem to be attracted by the "mysterious oriental power" at the very beginning. Everyone knows that China, as the first or second larg…

How to Use Alipay Wallet?

1.Top up & Withdrawal Tap "Balance" and then tap "Top Up" to transfer money from your bank card to your Alipay balance. Or tap "Withdrawal" to do the opposite. Tips: Alipay charges a 0.1% commission when you make a withdrawal. 2.Transfer I…

LangoGo Translator – 1st AI Pocket Translator and Global Mobile WIFI Hotspot

Travelling is fun. However, when you got lost on your travels, find it difficult to order food, or get on the wrong train, bus or even plane - due to a language barrier- you might feel discouraged, even wanting to stop or slip back into yo…

Douyin, Creating Happy Time, Recording Wonderful Life!

As we know, many live platforms such as Douyin are very popular in China even overseas, it can supply game, show, short video, shopping and so on, people plays live platforms to rich their daily life. Yes, we'd like to share something abou…

Watch Videos on Chinese Platforms such as iQiyi & Youku. Easy Top up, Bring You More FUN!

More and more people would like to watch movies, TV plays and variety shows through all kinds of online video platforms, because view programs on computers or mobile phones are far more convenient than television. Vpayfast offers Chinese h…

Recharge Your Chinese E-wallets without Seeking the Help of Friends. Check Here!

The most powerful thing in China, I want to express it in one sentence, that is, with a mobile phone you can travel all over China. Because there are all kinds of e-wallets in the phone: QQ wallet, Jingdong wallet, etc. With the developmen…

Hey, Do You Like Listening to Music?

Many people like listening to music, watching music videos in daily life. Music makes people relaxed, also it's a hobby of many guys. Wangyiyun, Xiami, Kugou, Qianqian, Yinyuetai and Migu music, etc are very popular in China, but how can f…

Introducing Vpayfast 2.0

On the cusp of our 2-year anniversary, we are proud to bring you Vpayfast 2.0! And with Vpayfast 2.0, we've released 2 massive upgrades to the platform. The PC test version is online now, and the mobile version will be online soon. New Pro…

What You Need to Know about iTunes!

If you're new to the iTunes software program then you might be wondering what can be done with it. It was originally developed in 2001 (known as SoundJam MP at the time) so users could buy songs from the iTunes Store and sync their purchas…

Speedin Boosters Open Your New World of Games!

Speedin booster is a fast and secure service for personal user to connect game server. Speedin boosters on the market basically supports all online games, including users overseas accelerate domestic games, and Chinese users accelerate int…

Introduction of Popular Games at Home and Abroad!

With the development of internet economy, games have become an indispensable part of people's lives. And some Chinese games are warmly loved by the majority of foreign friends, such as, PUBG mobile, Honor of kings, LOL, etc. Now let's take…


Happy April Fool's Day 愚人节快乐 愚人虽易,防愚不易,且学且珍惜 在今天这个防不胜防的日子里 所有人都在教你怎么去整蛊 却没有人关心你会不会被整 小编强势推出以下这篇防愚指南 送给图样图森破的你们 一般人我不告诉TA NO.1 入口请慎重 有没有发现今天…

Happy Mother's Day~

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It's celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in March or May. Mot…


2019.5.12 国际母亲节 每年五月的第二个周日 是一个感谢母亲的日子 "据说神无法无处不在 所以创造了母亲" WHAT IS MOTHER...... M—MIGHTY 非凡的、强大的 O—LOVELY 可爱的、优雅的 T—INTELLIGENT 聪明的、智慧的 H—HAPPY 快乐的、幸福的 E—BEAUTIFUL 美丽的…


リー・ダ・カン1分前 誰があなたにそれをしなくても何かをする権利を与え、プレイヤー (あなた) のマシン (xi) を考えます! 咳、昨晩のゲームのために、いくつかのポイントに必死にしていますか? 重要なことは、今日のあなたのパンダの目にふさわしい最終的…


苦等两年,万众期待的史诗级巨作《权力的游戏》第八季,终于回归啦: 小伙伴们,都准备好了吗? 《权力的游戏》作为一部火遍全球的神剧,堪称近几年美剧的经典之作。 即使在其缺席的2018,它仍然被评为年度最受期待的剧集榜首。 这部每一季评分都是9分以上的…


五一国际劳动节快乐! 一年一度的五一劳动节到啦 今年五一4天小长假! 今年五一4天小长假! 今年五一4天小长假! 如果你勇气可嘉 操作出一个五一小长假PLUS版8-9天 也不是不可能的 不就是请3-4天假吗 Just Do It! 激动之余 小编只想弱弱地问一句 你过了这么…

海外のWeChat / Alipayをリチャージするために海外のクレジットカード(VISA / MASTER)を使用する方法 - KAVIP Chinese Service Mall
